
2023 Celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Last weekend, MetOcean Solutions’ organised an open Q&A session about Ocean Science at Ngarunui Beach, Raglan to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
Inspiring the future generation of Oceanographers
Last week, as part of Smart Waikato's Secondary School Employer Partnerships (SSEP), MetOcean Solutions developed a 3-day program for the Year 10 math students from Raglan Area School.

MetOcean Solutions at the Joint EuroSea and OceanPredict Workshop 2022
This week, MetOcean Solutions’ team is presenting at the Joint EuroSea and OceanPredict workshop on Ocean Prediction and Observing System Design. Running from 29 June to 1 July, the workshop aims to support connecting, exploring, and advancing observation and ocean prediction efforts in a global context.

MetOcean Solutions at Australasian Coasts & Ports 2021
This week, the MetOcean Solutions team will be attending the Australasian Coasts & Ports 2021 Conference. The conference brings together engineers, planners, scientists, and researchers to discuss multi-disciplinary issues related to coasts and ports.

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Today, 11 February, is UNESCO’s international Women and Girls in Science day. We would like to recognize the key contribution of our female scientists at MetOcean Solutions.
From strong numerical modelling and programming capabilities to GIS expertise and many hours of experience working at sea, our MetOcean’ women bring all to the table.

New research expands the current knowledge of Aotearoa’s complex wave climate
MetOcean Solutions’ expert oceanographer Dr João Albuquerque recently published a study on wave partitioned hindcast data from New Zealand waters.

New SwellMap and WeatherMap released
The new SwellMap and WeatherMap websites have gone live! SwellMap is one of New Zealand’s most extensive and dedicated marine forecasting websites and was the country’s first marine forecast site dedicated to recreational users.

We’re excited to welcome Alex Ushakov to the MetOcean Solutions team
MetOcean Solutions is delighted to welcome Alex Ushakov to the team. Alex will be joining us as a Scientific Systems Engineer.
We welcome the newest additions to the MetOcean Solutions team
At MetOcean Solutions (MOS), we recognise that our employees are invaluable. Each of them brings expert knowledge and skills that make us a unique team and allow us to continue to push boundaries.

Eddy and enhanced primary productivity captured in MetOcean Solutions model and satellite images off the coast of Kaikoura
A MetOcean Solutions model clearly illustrates the occurrence of a cyclonic eddy off the coast of Kaikoura, New Zealand on Saturday the 11th of September 2021.

MetOcean Solutions scientist publishes long-awaited study on the Taranaki wave climate
MetOcean Solutions’ wave modeller, Dr Henrique Rapizo, is the lead author of the recently published study that fills a two-decade-long knowledge gap of the New Zealand (NZ) Taranaki regional wave climate.
MetOcean Solutions’ Forecast API allows easy customer access to accurate marine and atmospheric weather data
MetOcean Solutions, a division of MetService, recently released a Forecast API, making accurate ocean, terrestrial and atmospheric data easily available to clients and customers. "Our APIs provide high-quality weather data for anywhere in the world," explains MetOcean Solutions’ General Manager, Dr Brett Beamsley.

SwellMap celebrates 15 years and gets ready to relaunch
MetOcean Solutions is proud to announce that SwellMap, our free marine recreational forecast website, has provided high-resolution forecasts to users for 15 years. Launched in 2006, SwellMap was New Zealand's first marine forecast website dedicated to recreational users.

Impact Of Heavy Rainfall on Coastal Water Quality Captured in MetOcean Model
Models available on MetOceanView forecast elevated concentrations and advection of E. coli and Enterococcus spp in the Tasman and Golden Bays following extreme weather in July 2021.

Our Better Work Stories
MetOcean Solutions oceanographers are passionate about their work, and live and breathe being on or in the water. So much so, they often undertake scientific research in their own time.

Rafael Soutelino joins MetOcean Solutions
We are delighted to welcome back Dr Rafael Soutelino to MetOcean Solutions.
As a physical oceanographer specialising in modelling and analysis of ocean dynamics, he will be joining our MetOcean Research and Development team, based in Raglan.

Emilio Echevarria joins MetOcean Solutions
We are delighted to welcome Emilio Echevarria to MetOcean's Research and Development team.
Emilio is a physical oceanographer from Argentina with more than 5 years' experience running regional and global numerical wave models.

Saulo Meirelles joins MetOcean’s Research and Development team
We are very pleased to welcome Dr Saulo Meirelles to MetOcean Solutions.
Saulo is a physical oceanographer and will be joining our MetOcean Research and Development team, based in Raglan.

João Claudio Albuquerque joins MetOcean Solutions
This week we welcome João Claudio Albuquerque to MetOcean Solutions.
João is a physical oceanographer and will be working in our marine project consultancy team, based in New Plymouth.