Historical Weather
Accurate, localised historical weather data for your site.
Our numerical models generate accurate historical wind, wave and current data for any location on Earth. View our existing datasets here or contact us to discuss getting historical weather data for your desired location.
MetOcean Solutions’ hindcast data provides high quality marine weather information from multi-year numerical model simulations for any location on Earth.
MetOcean Solutions Historic Data
Generated by our team of expert scientists using a suite of in-house atmospheric and oceanographic models, our historical data archives reach back to 1979. These datasets offer key baseline information for project scoping, offshore and coastal design, project planning and environmental impact assessments.
Our hindcast data has been used in offshore and coastal projects all over the world for the assessment of engineering design thresholds within the marine environment, as well as the evaluation of the impact of structures on the marine environment. Historical weather data can also be used for the location and design of wind farms, research into tidal power generation, air quality studies and the regional planning of infrastructure and land use.
Time-series of ocean and atmospheric parameters at specific locations.
GIS Layers
Geographic information system layers of summary statistics at specific locations.
Gridded data
Gridded data of met ocean parameters indifferent data formats.
Summary statistics
At specific locations and return period extreme analysis.
Wave spectra
2D wave spectra and kinematics for anywhere on the planet
Customised hindcast service
Rapidly implemented, fully calibrated and validated.
Take a quick tour.
A platform to access and download analytics and time series of historical marine weather data – anywhere on Earth, exactly where you need.
Take a quick tour and discover all the capabilities of the Hindcast Portal freely available to you.