Bespoke tool to support naval amphibious and nearshore operations.
SurfZoneView provides a platform for the planning of safe amphibious landing and nearshore operations.
Based on accurate, high-quality hydrodynamic modelling, the program allows a rapid and accurate assessment of the waves and currents at any coastal location. Clear, easy-to-use maps of the nearshore conditions are displayed, and tools to assist with operational decision making provided.
Award winning software
SurfZoneView, our standalone tool to support naval amphibious and nearshore operations won the 2016 Minister of Defence Industry Awards of Excellence.
Designed in partnership with New Zealand Defence Force, SurfZoneView is based on state-of-the-art numerical models which provide highly accurate information for any coastal location, allowing users to plan coastal operations.
The software clearly maps the nearshore conditions and has risk management tools to assist operational decision making. SurfZoneView was designed for the New Zealand Defence Force to support amphibious and nearshore operations, and is now available to coastguard, navy, research and coastal engineers.
About SurfZoneView
How does it work?
The model powering SurfZoneView is based on the XBEACH opensource code. The menu-driven system allows users to import and manipulate bathymetry, set model simulations, run the model and visualise and export of results in standard GIS formats. Input wave data can be derived from real-time wave buoys or forecast spectra, or by specifying the JONSWAP parameters.
Safer operations
The surf zone is a hazardous region for survey and amphibious naval operations. The spatial gradients in waves and currents change dramatically over short time periods, and the fast and accurate mapping of the important environmental parameters for vessels entering these regions is crucial. Wave breaking, irregular bathymetry and strong near shore currents all impose operational difficulties and mission-critical hazards.
User-defined criteria
Safe and dangerous zones are identified from user-defined criteria, and under keel clearance is estimated from the model depths using wave, setup and tide information.
Designed for naval beach landings
SurfZoneView was designed for the New Zealand Defence Force to support amphibious and nearshore operations, and is now available to Navies, Civil Defence, Search and Rescue organisations and coastal engineers.
Data display
SurfZoneView displays results as maps and one-dimensional transects, and identifies the location and intensity of rips and alongshore currents, gradients in wave energy, wave breaking patterns and breaker types. A range of surf zone information is calculated along the entire coastline to support the decisionmaking process, including wave breaking depth, breaking height, surf zone width and the number of breaking lines.
Key features:
Stand-alone software
Easy to use with minimal training
Developed with XBEACH
Highly visual model outputs
Risk management tool allowing scenario testing
Rapid computation whilst maintaining hydrodynamic integrity
Map outputs and GIS exports