Connecting people to marine weather information that matters.
Specialists in Oceanography.
Marine weather expertise.
MetOcean Solutions is a science-based consultancy that offers specialist numerical modelling and analytical services in meteorology and oceanography. We provide high quality environmental data and expert interpretation to meet the rigorous requirements of the offshore and maritime industries as well as regulatory, defence and government agencies. MetOcean Solutions is the oceanographic branch of MetService New Zealand.
PhD level scientists, experienced mariners and technical experts - all under one roof.
Our team includes a multi-disciplinary group of PhD scientists and technical experts with experience in oceanography, meteorology, atmospheric physics, acoustic signal processing and fluid dynamics, as well as web architecture and development. This unique combination of strong science and technical skills allows us to innovate and push the boundaries in our quest to provide you with exactly the marine weather information you need, for anywhere on Earth.
Extensive track record and solid maritime experience.
MetOcean Solutions was established in 2005 with a vision to invent clever solutions to connect people to weather information that matters. The company became part of Meteorological Service of New Zealand (MetService) in 2017. Altogether, our staff have thousands of hours of experience working at sea. Some of us have worked in the offshore industry; others have spent years collecting marine data. As a team, we understand the ocean and know what it is like to work at sea.
Who trust us