Research & Development
Future-focused innovation.
MetOcean Solutions' R&D brings significant benefit to marine industries, allowing access to accurate data and robust and relevant advice for effective and safe operation in New Zealand waters.
Southern Ocean Research
MetOcean Solutions has deployed instruments to collect wave data using moored and drifting buoys. All data is freely available to the scientific community and can be viewed in real time.
The Southern Ocean is known to play an important role in the climate system - cycling heat, carbon, and nutrients. Waves modulate the air-sea fluxes and the swells generated in this region have far-reaching effects, contributing significantly to the wave climate in all the major ocean basins.
MetOcean Solutions’ research project aims to develop a global wave model with improved performance in the Southern Hemisphere, and will use the data to verify the next generation of model physics.
Moana Project
Revolutionising ocean forecasting.
Bringing together 54 experts from across 14 national & international organisations, the Moana Project is changing the way we see our seas.
The Moana Project is a 5-year $11.5 million MBIE Endeavour ocean research initiative. It aims to improve understanding of coastal ocean circulation, connectivity and marine heatwaves to provide information that supports New Zealand’s seafood industry. The project includes outstanding research organisations in New Zealand and overseas, and partners with Whakatōhea iwi to support their rohe moana interests in the Bay of Plenty.