
Operational wave forecast model upgrade
To ensure the highest possible performance at MetOcean Solutions, we continuously improve our models to match state-of-the-art science. Our science team is currently working on implementing the Spherical Multiple-Cell (SMC) grid in the global wave model WAVEWATCH III. SMC grids are unstructured, supporting flexible domain shapes and variable resolutions.

New Zealand coastline mapping using satellite imagery
Globally, coastlines are subject to significant environmental and anthropogenic pressure. To effectively manage and plan coastal use and adaptation, stakeholders need to understand historical coastline variability as well as have visibility on the existing state of the coastline.

Impact Of Heavy Rainfall on Coastal Water Quality Captured in MetOcean Model
Models available on MetOceanView forecast elevated concentrations and advection of E. coli and Enterococcus spp in the Tasman and Golden Bays following extreme weather in July 2021.
Operational High Resolution Hydrodynamic Forecast Model for Cook Strait
MetOcean Solutions has recently operationalised a high-resolution hydrodynamic forecast model for the wider Cook Strait region and Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand.

Modelling tsunami propagation to New Zealand coast
On Friday March 5th, three severe earthquakes struck along the Kermadec Trench, with each subsequent earthquake stronger than the last. The earthquakes resulted in authorities issuing tsunami alerts throughout the South West Pacifici Islands, including New Zealand.

New Moana Project forecast predicts marine heatwave in the Chatham Islands
The Chatham Islands (Rēkohu) are expecting a strong marine heatwave this weekend as forecast by the Moana Project’s new marine heatwave forecasting tool.

NZ’s first marine heatwave forecast live
Seven day forecast of sea surface temperatures set up to predict marine heatwaves.
As climate change affects our oceans, marine heatwaves are likely to become more common and intense in New Zealand waters.

La Niña confirmed for New Zealand
Numerical modelling by MetOcean Solutions Research and Development team is being used to track the impact of the predicted La Niña conditions on New Zealand’s waters. La Niña brings a tendency for warmer than average ocean and air temperatures for New Zealand once it becomes established.

Kaikoura wave model data now available
Hindcast wave model data are now available for the Kaikoura region. The data includes two high-resolution nested domains around the Kaikoura Peninsula and Clarence.

Predicting estuarine coastal inundation
At the upcoming New Zealand Coastal Society Conference in Dunedin Dr Brett Beamsley will present recent work from a project with Tasman District Council.