Kaikoura wave model data now available
Hindcast wave model data are now available for the Kaikoura region. The data, which includes two high-resolution nested domains around the Kaikoura Peninsula and Clarence (regions where active coastal construction is taking place) were generated by dynamically downscaling waves from MetOcean Solutions’ global wave model using a series of Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model nests.
“We prioritised the model runs to ensure that suitable time-series and boundary data are available for the Kaikoura rebuild effort,” explains Project Manager Dr Brett Beamsley. “The model domains are representative of the pre-earthquake bathymetry, but we don’t expect wave characteristics at depths exceeding ~30m to be significantly different between before the earthquake and now, because depth changes in deeper water are not expected to significantly influence wave propagation.”
“Much of the rail and SH1 roading network north of Kaikoura historically went very close to the sea and as a result were often closed due to waves washing over the narrow foreshore. Design tolerances for reconstruction of these networks will require an understanding of the likely impacts of large waves, including storm return periods and maximum expected wave heights. In the absence of measured data, this understanding can only be achieved through long period hindcasts.
“Additionally, these hindcast datasets can be used for boundary conditions for specific high-resolution wave models employed to understand implications of the new harbour (which is expected to be completed by mid year) or breakwaters, including wave energy penetration, overtopping and infragravity waves.”
For further information on the data available, please contact b.beamsley@metocean.co.nz