Historical ocean weather data statistics freely available
Historical data such as 100 year return period value (RPV) wave heights is important baseline information for anyone operating in the ocean.
MetOcean Solutions recently provided free access to all our hindcast data statistics from around the world.
"Anyone with internet access can now view and download historical weather statistics from a range of global locations," states Dr Rafael Guedes, Manager of Hindcasts. "In total we have statistics available from more than 380,000 datapoints around the world, a number which is constantly increasing as we run our models for new locations."
MetOcean Solutions’ hindcast data provide high quality marine weather information generated in-house by a team of expert scientists using state-of-the-art atmospheric and oceanographic models. The hindcast statistics can be accessed through the MetOceanView platform with no login required.
"Our historical data archives reach back to 1979," adds Rafael. "The information available includes wind and wave distribution statistics, roses, joint probability tables and extreme value analysis data."
Suitable for environmental investigations and climate analysis, the datasets offer key baseline information for project scoping, offshore and coastal design, project planning and environmental impact assessment.
"We display tiles with gridded statistics from selected global datasets, including gridded mean wave height, period and direction for total swell and wind-sea wave components, percentiles and extreme value analysis of significant wave height and wind speed, vector-average currents, as well as mean air and sea-surface temperature."
Click here for free access to the more than 380,000 hindcast data locations worldwide.
For a list of full historical datasets available, click here.